February 5, 2007 Agenda

City of Richmond Meeting Agenda

Public Notice is hereby given of a Special Meeting of Council duly called in accordance with Section 126 of the Community Charter, to be held on:






Monday, February 5th, 2007





4:00 p.m.





Anderson Room





Richmond City Hall





6911 No. 3 Road


Public Notice is also hereby given that this meeting may be conducted by electronic means and that the public may hear the proceedings of this meeting at the time, date and place specified above.


The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following:












0755774 BC Ltd. dba: QK Karaoke Studio – Licence Cancellation
(Report:  Jan. 9/07, File No.:   ) (REDMS No. 2047917)



Opportunity for Business Licence Holder to be heard in accordance with Section 60 of the Community Charter – Representative of 0755774 BC Ltd. dba as QK Karaoke Studio.






That the business licence of 0755774 BC Ltd. dba: QK Karaoke Studio operating from premises located at Unit # 230 – 4231 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, B.C., BE CANCELLED for the following reason(s):



By violating the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations, this business has also violated the Business Licence Bylaw No 7360 at section 5.1 (b) & (d) and Business Licence Regulations Bylaw No 7538 at section 22.1 (b) & (d) by failing to comply with any of the provisions of these two bylaws, or any other bylaw or applicable statute and by failing to maintain the standard of qualification required for the issuance of a business licence.   Further, this business has permitted smoking inside the premise, contrary to Public Health Protection Bylaw No. 6989, section to (k).




Deroye Enterprises Ltd. dba: Green Element Dining & Lounge – Licence Cancellation

(Report:  Jan. 12/07, File No.:   ) (REDMS No. 2050370)



Opportunity for Business Licence Holder to be heard in accordance with Section 60 of the Community Charter – Representative of Deroye Enterprises Ltd. dba Green Element Restaurant.






That the business licence of Deroye Enterprises Ltd. operating as Green Element Restaurant, at 8788 McKim Way-Unit # 2170, Richmond, B.C., BE CANCELLED for the following reason(s):




Over a nine month period, this business was cited with 17 contraventions of the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations, resulting in monetary fines totalling $29,500 and eventual cancellation of their Food Primary liquor licence.  In addition, this business has received two Municipal Ticket Informations, (MTI’s) from the City of Richmond, under the Public Health Protection Bylaw No 6989, sec to (k), operator permitting smoking.  As well, by chaining and locking the gates to common area fire escape corridors, ostensibly to prevent inspection of the business premises by authorities, this business has seriously endangered public safety.




By violating the Liquor Control and Licensing Act and Regulations and the Public Health Protection Bylaw, this business has also violated the Business Regulations Bylaw No. 7538 and Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360, whereby, failing to comply with any provisions of any Bylaw or applicable statute, is also a violation of these Bylaws, by failing to maintain the standard of qualification required for the issuance of their Business Licence.












David Weber

Director, City Clerk’s Office