Community Services Committee Meeting Minutes - June 13, 2000





Tuesday, June 13th, 2000


W.H. Anderson Room

Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair

Councillor Malcolm Brodie

Councillor Ken Johnston

Councillor Linda Barnes


Councillor Derek Dang

Also Present:

Councillor Lyn Greenhill

Councillor Bill McNulty

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.




That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Wednesday, May 24th, 2000, be adopted with an amendment to Page 9 to delete in the resolution, the words "the Community Services Committee", and to substitute therefor, the word "Council".




(Report: June 8/00, File No.: 5375-02) (REDMS No. 158027)

Supt. E. MacAulay, advised that he was available to answer any questions which the Committee might have on the contents of the report. He then referred to a press announcement made by the Provincial Government that recruitment had now commenced for the Auxiliary Constable Program throughout British Columbia, and it was agreed that the matter would be discussed at this time.

Supt. MacAulay stated that the announcement had indicated that the program was being restructured and would be subject to each individual municipality which already had such a program, having funding in place and a desire to continue with the program. He advised that the position of the Richmond RCMP detachment was that the matter was before Council for a decision, as this was a new issue relating to training.

Supt. MacAulay further advised that the press release also addressed financing for the recruitment program, and he stated that under the Provincial category given to Richmond, based on population, the City would be required to fund a majority of the program.

In response to questions, he provided the following information:


participation in the recruitment by the City was optional


the cost of recruiting would be matched funding by the RCMP; however advertising costs relating to the recruitment program would be the responsibility of the City


the City currently had 6 auxiliary constables, and these individuals would have to challenge the Provincial qualification exemption requirements to be exempted from training


the City’s auxiliary constables accompanied the General Duty officers on regular patrols, which accounted for approximately 90% of their duties.

As a result of the discussion, the following referral motion was introduced:

It was moved and seconded

That the matter of the auxiliary constable policing program be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer for a report to Council, through the Committee on:


whether such a program should exist in the City;


how many members should be employed as auxiliary constables, and whether these individuals should be phased in;


the criteria for the recruitment process; and


the total cost to the City of operating such a program.

The question on the motion was not called, as Supt. MacAulay advised, in response to a question, that the Auxiliary Constable program was not intended to be a precursor to applying for a position in the RCMP.

The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.

A brief discussion then ensued between Supt. MacAulay and Mayor Halsey-Brandt on the JetWay Program implemented at the Vancouver International Airport, and whether the net proceeds from crime were returned to the City because the arresting officers were members of the Richmond detachment. Advice was given that the Richmond officers were enforcing Federal statutes on behalf of the Airport Authority, and any proceeds would be dealt with under these statutes.

It was moved and seconded

That the RCMP Monthly Report for the month of April, 2000 (attached to the report dated June 8th, 2000 from the General Manager, Finance & Corporate Services), be received for information.




(Report: May 30/00, File No.: 5375-03) (REDMS No. 155917)

Fire Chief Jim Hancock reviewed the quarterly report with Committee members. In response to questions regarding the proposed Automatic Aid Agreement, Chief Hancock provided information on how emergency response calls would be handled between Richmond, New Westminster and Delta if such a program was implemented. Questions were raised about the additional 10 positions, and a discussion ensued between the Manager, Divisional Programs, Shawn Issel and the Mayor on how these positions were arrived at.

Reference was made to information provided in the report about ‘new equipment’, and in response, Chief Hancock provided information on the rationale for choosing a "Quint" fire truck. He noted also that staff were currently negotiating with the Vancouver International Airport on the provision of services to that facility and that equipment needs were part of those discussions.

Reference was also made to the fact that 24 firefighters took advantage of the City's Early Retirement Incentive Program. Advice was given that the Department would not be advertising to fill these positions, but rather would be reviewing applications which were currently on file.

It was moved and seconded

That the Fire/Rescue 1st Quarter Report, 2000 (attached to the report dated May 30th, 2000 from the Fire Chief, Richmond Fire/Rescue), be received for information.




(Report: June 5/00, File No.: 5140-01) (REDMS No. 143554, 140032)

Ms. Issel briefly reviewed the report with Committee members.

Fire Chief Hancock then introduced the following members of the management team, who then provided a brief synopsis of their particular areas:

Deputy Fire Chief Rick Papp -


Mitigation of the Working Conditions in Firehall Nos. 4 and 5 - in response to questions about interim solutions to address the problems, Chief Hancock advised that such options as providing temporary


housing were being considered; however, with respect to Hall 5, because of the remoteness of this facility, it might be that Council could agree that it was necessary to replace the building without any interim measures being implemented


All Fire/Rescue Personnel to Receive Input/Information Regarding E-Comm.

District Chief Reg Smith -


Desire of the Rank and File to be included in the Selection Processes to Hire New Firefighters


Long Term Absences/Present Overtime System - In response to questions, advice was given that the Firefighters Union did not have long term disability, but instead, firefighters accumulated sick time to a maximum amount and when a firefighter’s sick time was depleted, Union members could cover that individual for the period that that person was off; the City’s Early Retirement program had reduced the usage of sick time within the department


Need to Review/Reconfirm the YVR Operating Model


Early Retirement Replacements

District Chief "A" Shift Dave Scorgie -


Ensuring the Correct Technology Is Available.


Communications and Management of Perceptions of Past Issues.

Chief Fire Prevention Officer Rick Stene -


The Need to Define, Agree Upon, and Communicate Fire/Rescue Service Levels - advice was given that fire inspections would also be included in the review; the present goal is to mandate to undertake one inspection for each premise on an annual basis, with the exception of single-family residences


The Need for Scheduling and Coordination.

District Chief "B" Shift Dennis Rodgers -


Improve Labour/Management Relations - a brief discussion ensued on the importance of ensuring that the Union and management were working together in a co-operative manner


Review and Revise Inspection Targets.

At the conclusion of the presentation, the Chair thanked the team for preparing an excellent report.

It was moved and seconded

That the Fire/Rescue Operational Action Plan - Phase Three (attached to the report dated June 5th, 2000 from the Fire Chief, Richmond Fire/Rescue), be received for information.





Chief Administrative Officer George Duncan advised that he nothing to report.

Councillor Brodie expressed concern about reports in area newspapers about the sanitary conditions of some local restaurants, and as a result, it was agreed that Mr. Duncan would ask Mr. Art Hamade, Assistant Chief Public Health Inspector to report to the next closed meeting of the Committee on this matter.



That the meeting adjourn (5:16 p.m.).




Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, June 13th, 2000.



Councillor Harold Steves


Fran J. Ashton

Executive Assistant