Community Services Committee Meeting Minutes - April 26, 2000





Wednesday, April 26th, 2000


W.H. Anderson Committee Room

Richmond City Hall


Councillor Harold Steves, Chair

Councillor Derek Dang

Councillor Malcolm Brodie

Councillor Linda Barnes


Councillor Ken Johnston

Also Present:

Councillor Lyn Greenhill

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.

The Chair advised that a report from Councillor Greenhill regarding the Sister Cities Visit - Opening of New City Hall, would be added to the agenda as an additional item.




That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee held on Tuesday, April 11th, 2000, be adopted as circulated.




(Oral Report and Correspondence - Vancouver-Richmond Health Board)

Mr. Kelvin Higo, Chief Public Health Inspector, referred to a memorandum from the City Clerk, (circulated to all Committee members) which provided an extract of the smoking restrictions currently in force in the City of Vancouver. He suggested that these same restrictions should be applied to all pubs, bars and pool halls in Richmond, however, he noted that Richmond’s smoking regulation bylaw currently did not allow smoking rooms.

In response to questions, he advised that an outdoor sitting area of a pub or bar would be considered to be part of the seating capacity for that facility. He noted however that this requirement would not apply to restaurants. Mr. Higo added that the outdoor seating area would have to comply with all Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) regulations. (At this point, Mr. Higo circulated information to Committee members on (a) the current status of smoking in other Lower Mainland municipalities, and (b) the Occupational Health & Safety (WCB) regulations (copies of which are on file in the City Clerk’s Office).)

Discussion then ensued among Committee members and Mr. Higo on such matters as:


the reasons why WCB regulation 4.83 was struck down by the Federal Supreme Court (advice was given that the Court had ruled that the WCB had failed to adequately notify the public)


whether smoking restrictions should be 100% throughout the City and smoking rooms permitted


how and when the public process would be implemented (Mr. Higo stated that if the decision was made to prepare amendments to the City’s current smoking regulation bylaw, then the owners of pubs, bars and pool halls should be notified of these proposed amendments to give these people the opportunity to speak to the changes at a future Committee meeting; as an alternative, the suggestion was made that the Council meeting at which the amendments would be considered would be an appropriate venue because individuals could address Council at that meeting on the proposed amendments; the proposed amendments would be submitted to the Committee prior to being forwarded to Council); (Mr. Higo further indicated during the discussion on this issue that he would advise the owners of all pubs, bars and pool hall facilities of the proposed amendments)


whether ‘private social functions’ should be included in the smoking prohibition.

As a result of the discussion, the following resolution was introduced:

It was moved and seconded

That staff prepare an amendment to the City’s Public Health Protection bylaw to prohibit smoking (a) in all pubs, bars, and pool halls unless a smoking room is provided in these facilities only, which is not larger than 10% of the floor area of that portion of the building used by the public, and (b) at private social functions.





(Report: Apr. 13/00, File No.: 4055-01) (REDMS No. 148117)

The Co-ordinator, Leisure Services, Marg Elfstrom, reviewed her report with Committee members. In response to questions, she advised that:


the ‘Block Party Kit’ would contain information on (i) how to arrange such a party and approach area residents, and (ii) ideas which promoted ‘good neighbours’


Community Centre staff and area co-ordinators would be asked to present initiatives to local school Parent Advisory Committees and other community organizations to promote the strategy


the Intercultural Relations Committee had not been approached because it was no longer active in the community


the ‘Block Party Kit’ would be available to any group or individual who wished to hold such an event, and brochures would be handed out at major events to advertise the availability of this kit.

During the discussion which took place, staff were asked to provide copies of the ‘Block Party Kit’ to Council as part of the staff report.

It was moved and seconded

That the Department of Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services ‘Neighbourhood Development Initiative’, be forwarded to Council for information.




(Report: Apr. 11/00, File No.: 2325-20-019) (REDMS No. 147524)

The Director, Parks, Dave Semple, and Park Planner Yvonne Stich, reviewed the proposed park plan with the Committee through the use of an aerial photograph and various site plans of the area, to explain:


the status of land ownership in the park area;


the site analysis; and


the preliminary concept plan

Staff stressed during the review that the proposed plan would be very long term in nature.

In response to questions, the following information was provided:


staff were trying to create a park which, because of its unique existing woodland landscape, would be different from Minoru Park; for this reason, organized sports activities were not being included as part of the park concept


the process which would be used to provide water to the proposed pond.

During the discussion, concern was expressed about the size of the proposed water feature, however, the comment was made that public reaction should be obtained to the proposed concept. Advice was given that the concept could be altered to address the concerns of Committee members about particular issues.

(Councillor Dang left the meeting at 5:15 p.m. during the above discussion, and did not return.)

Concern was also voiced about the proposal to implement the plan over a long period of time and to the problems which had been experienced in the past in other areas where parks were developed after new residents had moved into the area. In response staff advised that a report could be prepared on various options to develop the park ‘sooner rather than later’. Advice was also given that staff would be presenting a maintenance plan to Committee to address such issues such as how staff intended to deal with the possibility that the existing blueberry bushes in the area might not survive as the park was developed.

Reference was made to Attachment 1 to the report which indicated that the public open house had been held on April 12th, 2000, and questions were raised about the reaction of the public to the proposed plan. Advice was given that this meeting had not yet been held, and as result, staff were requested to amend the attachment prior to the report being submitted to Council.

Information was also provided that the proposed cost of development the park site (a low of $4.3 Million and a high of $7.2 Million) included the entire 21.5 acres of parkland.

It was moved and seconded

That staff begin the public input process for the McLennan North Community Park project




(Report: Apr. 26/00, File No.: 0125-04-01) (REDMS No. 150117)

Councillor Lyn Greenhill briefly reviewed her report with Committee members, during which she explained that the budgeted cost figures had changed since the time the report was prepared. As a result, she would be submitting an amended report to Council for approval.

In response to questions, Councillor Greenhill advised that all of Council would be invited to participate in the official dinner. She added that once the timing of the proposed events was known, a schedule would be sent to all members of Council, who could then indicate to her, those events in which they wished to participate.

It was moved and seconded

That the program and budget for the Sister Cities’ visit May 18 to 21, 2000, at a maximum cost of $9,000, be endorsed, and that the source of funds be the Council Contingency Account.




Britannia Shipyard update - The Manager, Cultural Services, Jane Fernyhough, reported that the work of the Britannia Heritage Shipyard Business Plan Steering Committee was progressing, and she provided information on upcoming construction projects.

During the brief discussion which ensued, concern was expressed by Councillor Greenhill that work appeared to be occurring inside the Shipyard building. In response, advice was given that renovations were being completed on one of the floats, as well as some work on the "Shishona" in order to move the boat out of the Shipyard building. The Chair asked Mr. Semple to ensure that any further caulking was not being removed from the vessel.

Use of Facilities at Burnett Secondary School - The Director, Recreation & Cultural Services, Kate Sparrow, reported on the contents of a letter addressed to the Mayor and to Julie Halfnights, President of the Thompson Community Association from the Richmond School Board, on the use of facilities at Burnett School by the Community Association. She also talked about the long term evaluation criteria which would be used to determine if similar arrangements could be used in other schools.

Recreation Fee Subsidy Program - Ms. Sparrow advised that staff were currently evaluating the program (implemented in the Spring of 1999), and that a report would be submitted to the Committee in June of this year once input had been obtained from the community associations.

Gardening Work Shop - The Manager, Parks Administration & Programs, Mike Redpath, reported that a gardening work shop, hosted by David Tarrant, would be held on May 6th, 2000 at Garry Point Park, at which time 2 grants would be announced, one from SUCCESS to plant a flower bed, and the second from Home Depot Canada to the Seniors Advisory Committee for the Seniors’ Garden.

The Chair referred to the recent press release on the number of marijuana grow operations in the City, and he asked Mr. Semple to convey to the General Manager, Urban Development David McLellan, that he would like Superintendent MacAulay in attendance at the next Committee meeting to provide an update on this matter.


It was moved and seconded

That the meeting adjourn (5:44 p.m.).


Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Services Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Wednesday, April 26th, 2000.



Councillor Harold Steves


Fran J. Ashton

Executive Assistant