Community Safety Committee Meeting Minutes - April 24, 2001





Tuesday, April 24th, 2001


Anderson Room
Richmond City Hall


Councillor Bill McNulty, Chair
Councillor Derek Dang
Councillor Kiichi Kumagai
Councillor Malcolm Brodie
Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt (4:12 p.m.)


Councillor Ken Johnston, Vice-Chair
Councillor Linda Barnes

Also Present:

Councillor Lyn Greenhill

Call to Order:

The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.



It was moved and seconded

That the minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee held on Tuesday, March 27th, 2001, be adopted as circulated.




It was moved and seconded

That the minutes of the meeting of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Policing held on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2001, be received for information..

Prior to the question being called, reference was made to the two members who were taking a leave from the committee. Advice was given that the leaves were not permanent and that the two members would be returning. Further advice was given that the two members were continuing to receive agenda packages and follow the work of the Committee.

The question on the motion was then called, and it was CARRIED.


(Report: Mar. 19/01, File No.: 0100-20-CACP1-01) (REDMS No. 313694, 313312, 317705)

It was moved and seconded


That the new Terms of Reference for the Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Policing (attached to the report dated March 19th, 2001, from the General Manager, Community Safety), be adopted.


That the Terms of Reference for the Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Policing (adopted on July 12th, 1999), be rescinded.

The question on the motion was not called, as discussion ensued among Committee members and staff on whether the mandate and role of the Committee should be reviewed to either broaden or narrow its scope.

Mr. Jim Lavery, Chair, Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Policing, responded to questions, indicating that he would address these issues with the Committee at its next meeting. He stated that he would provide a response through the General Manager, Community Safety.

During the discussion when ensued, concern was expressed about broadening the mandate of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Policing to the point where the committee would no longer be an asset to the community. As a result of the discussion, the following amendment was introduced:

It was moved and seconded

That the following be added as Part (3) to the recommendation:


That staff examine the mandate of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Policing and report to the Community Safety Committee with recommendations."


Prior to the question being called on the main motion as amended, staff were directed to (a) submit the report prior to the summer, and (b) provide a membership list of the Citizens’ Advisory Committee on Policing, to the Committee.

The question on the main motion, as amended, was then called, and it was CARRIED.

(Mayor Halsey-Brandt entered the meeting at 4:12 p.m.)


(Report: Mar. 29/01, File No.: 1810-01) (REDMS No. 297870)

The Manager, Operations Support (RCMP) Don Pearson, reviewed his report with the Committee.

In response to questions, Mr. Pearson advised that while there would be no budget cost saving in replacing the Exhibit Custodian (RCMP Special Constable) with a City employee, the resources in the Exhibit Unit could be expanded.

Mr. Pearson explained that savings resulting from the conversion would be sufficient to provide auxiliary assistance on an ‘as needed’ basis. He further advised that the individual hired to fill the position would be fully trained in RCMP policy and continuity regarding the handling of exhibits.

It was moved and seconded


That an additional City Employee position be approved for the RCMP, to replace the RCMP, Special Constable currently performing the duties of Exhibit Custodian.


That the use of auxiliary staff be approved to work in the Exhibits function, with the total cost of the new City Employee and the auxiliary hours not exceeding the current budgeted cost of the RCMP Special Constable.


That the Attorney General of British Columbia be advised of the reduction in the establishment of the Richmond RCMP by one (1) position.


That the City and the RCMP agree to evaluate the workload in the Exhibits Unit after a period of one (1) year.



(Report: Apr. 17/01, File No.: 5350-01) (REDMS No. 353554)

It was moved and seconded

That the General Manager, Community Safety Division, be named as the Principal Policing Contact for the City.



(Report: Mar. 26/01, File No.: 5350-04) (REDMS No. 325689, 320787)

The Manager, Finance & Administration (RCMP) Parissa Aujila reviewed the report with members of the Committee.

Discussion ensued among Committee members, staff and Ms. Aujila on the information which would be included in the proposed review. The request was made that a detailed review of the program, along with a ‘value for money’ review, be undertaken. As well, staff were asked to provide a business plan to determine how and where revenue was used, and an operational plan to show how the Youth Intervention Program functioned.

It was moved and seconded

That staff report to the Community Safety Committee with Terms of Reference for a review of the Youth Intervention Program and provide comments for inclusion in the review.



(Report: Mar. 28/01, File No.: 8080-01) (REDMS No. 329638)

The Manager, Community Bylaws Sandra Tokarczyk reviewed the report with Committee members, during which she circulated a printout on the status of complaints which had been received about apparent vacant abandoned residential buildings.

A brief discussion ensued, during which advice was given that the Fire-Rescue Department was now providing information to the Community Bylaws Department on any homes damaged as the result of fire.

It was moved and seconded

That the report (dated March 28th, 2001, from the Manager, Community Bylaws), which provides an update on abandoned buildings in Richmond, be received for information.



(Report: Apr. 17/01, File No.: 0340-20-CSAf3 ) (REDMS No. 352149, 280075)

The Manager, Divisional Programs, Shawn Issel, reviewed the report with the Committee.

Discussion then ensued among Committee members and staff on items contained in the work plan, during which questions were raised about when the Committee (and Council) would have the opportunity to evaluate the direction community policing was taking. The Chair commented that prior to a review of the RCMP’s budget which included proposed expenditures for community policing, the Community Safety Committee should be undertaking its own evaluation of the proposal, and he suggested that this issue should be given a higher priority.

Reference was made to the ‘parking lot’ items which had been included in the work plan, and advice was given although that these items were important, they had not been given as high a priority as those projects included in the active list.

Discussion also ensued among Committee and staff members on such matters as:


the enforcement of on/off street public timed parking and private handicapped stalls


the proposal to investigate minimum policing standards, and to develop rationale for establishing these standards, and their link to the Letter of Understanding (advice was given that a direction of the policing study currently underway was to develop a Letter of Understanding which would deal with minimum policing standards)


the rationale for including in the work plan, the preparation of a report on how casino funding could be used with regard to policing for the 2002 budget


the status of the withdrawal of diving services by the Coast Guard (advice was given that a report on this matter would be on the agenda for the next meeting of the Committee).

It was moved and seconded

That the Community Safety Division 2001 Workplan be received for information.




The Manager, Environmental Programs, Suzanne Bycraft (through a PowerPoint presentation) briefed Committee members on the City’s Emergency and Environmental Programs. (A copy of the presentation is on file in the City Clerk’s Office.)

(Councillor Greenhill left the meeting at 5:23 p.m. and did not return.)

Reference was made to the RCMP and Fire-Rescue monthly reports, and the Chair questioned how the Committee wished to deal with these reports. It was agreed that the monthly reports would be added as regular items on future Community Safety Committee agendas.

(Mayor Halsey-Brandt and Councillor Dang each left the meeting at 5:24 p.m., however the Mayor did not return.)

Reference was made to the two RCMP reports for the months of January and February, 2001, and as there were no questions from Committee members, the Chair directed that the two reports be received for information.



The General Manager, Community Safety Chuck Gale advised that information had been received that it was anticipated that the Provincial Government would be assuming responsibility for the auxiliary police program, however, the paper work to complete the transfer of responsibilities would take to 2 to 3 months to finalize.

(Councillor Dang returned to the meeting at 5:26 p.m.)


It was moved and seconded

That the meeting adjourn (5:27 p.m.).


Certified a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the meeting of the Community Safety Committee of the Council of the City of Richmond held on Tuesday, April 24th, 2001.



Councillor Bill McNulty

Fran J. Ashton
Executive Assistant